
It’s A

Preteen 7 Teen
spooky gathering
October 27th
5:30 until 7pm

Pumpkin decorating contest
Mad Scientist Laboratory
Spooky campfire stories
Campfire treats
Spooky Scooby Doo short films
And other games, spooktacular treats and prizes!
Reserve your spot today!
Contact angie stuckey at the library for more details

Registration forms for the pumpkin decorating contest can be found at the circulation desk and online at www.lintonpl.lib.in.us

**Bring your own pumpkin**

YA Poster Contest

YA Summer Program Poster Contest
All teens from 6th – 12th grade are invited to participate.


(The winning design will be made into a full size poster to display in the ya area )

  • Design a poster with the summer theme: “You Are Here” which represents:
  • Self reflection
  • Our world and how you can make a difference
  • Travel and different cultures
  • Art from around the world (manga, kanji, haiku etc.
  • Our universe
  • Deadline for poster entry is Wednesday, June 1st 2011 by 6:00pm.
  • Poster must be on standard paper, (8½ by 11”).
  • Entries can be viewed on our website with voting at the library.

(Library staff reserves the right to final decision in the event of a tie)

For more information call 847-7802